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Judges and Stewards

If you have registered, log in and then choose Edit Account from the My Account menu indicated by the icon on the top menu.

Other Volunteer Info

Thank you for volunteering for the 10th Annual OSHC!  We look forward to working with you!

WHEN: Main Event, Saturday, March 23rd, 2024 (9:00 AM & 1:00 PM rounds) and Prejudging, Saturday, March 16th, 2024 (1:00 PM round, beer only)

All registered volunteers will receive a detailed schedule and instructions prior to the events.

WHERE: The Barn at The Guild, 82 Bayley Street, Pawtucket, RI The Barn at The Guild ( There is ample free parking at the new train station, one block away, as well as on site. All areas are fully wheel-chair accessible and ADA comnpliant. Light breakfast and lunch are provided. The competition is not open to the public or any non-registered volunteers.

After the judging is complete, event volunteers may stay to join us for the OSHC After Party and Raffle from 5-8 pm in the Guild Tap Room. OSHC volunteers receive raffle tickets as part of their thank-you gifts and additional tickets for every non-perishable food item brought for the RI Community Food Bank. Volunteers may also purchase tickets on site.
Must be present to win raffle prizes.

JUDGING ASSIGNMENTS: All judging and stewarding assignments will be made available prior to the competition date, according to the actual number of received entries as well as available judges and stewards.  When registering, please be sure to indicate any preferred or non-preferred categories.  Please also indicate which sessions you are available for. Our software will automatically exclude any volunteer or judge from working with a category for which he or she has entries.  Also, please see below on registering as a judge vs. a steward.

ACCOMMODATIONS: The competition itself is only a one-day event, but volunteers participating in events either the day before or after may wish to stay over. Downtown Providence and Pawtucket are host to a wide variety of accommodations, from quirky boutique hotels to luxury landmarks to other economical options, which are only a few minutes from the judging and awards ceremony locations. The Hampton Inn Pawtucket is withn walking distance. Air BnB is another option to find reasonably-priced accommodations around the area. If you know other judges coming for the weekend, coordinate and share accommodation costs.

FOOD AND BEVERAGE:  Light Breakfast and Lunch on Saturday are provided for all registered volunteers. Please notify the organizer of any dietary restrictions/ allergies and we will do our best to accommodate.  The Guild Taproom has great food available, but the OSHC is not providing dinner. Volunteers can also take advantage of some of the area's amazing restaurants after the event. Check first to see if reservations are recommended.

OTHER INFO: When registering on the site, please be sure to indicate the sessions for which you are available to judge or steward. If you do not click any availability, the system will not 'see' you and you will not be assigned. If you might be available for a pre-judging session, please check this off. There is no obligation if the final location or timing does not work for you.

NOTE: The BJCP does NOT allow competitions to award both Judge and Steward points to any individual for a single competition, so you will ONLY be assigned as Judge OR Steward. 

If you are not qualified or willing to judge, please register as a steward (judges' assistant).  If we are short of judges and have extra stewards, you may be asked to judge, at the discretion of the judge coordinator.  Double-registering will not guarantee a judging assignment; it just makes it harder to sort out who is available to do what. If you are not yet BJCP, but are preparing to take the exam, let us know, or indicate this when you regster. 

Every competition also always needs MANY other staff and volunteers, both prior to, the day of, and even after the event.  Please indicate your willingness to help by selecting 'Staff' when registering or contact the organizer directly.

If you have ANY QUESTIONS regarding registration or judging at all, please do not hesitate to contact us.  We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.